One of the heroes of Kingdom World, and the young leader of the Wei Area. Gifted with great foresight, in the past he despaired for the future and went astray. Thanks to the desperate intervention of Liu Bei Unicorn Gundam, he once again devoted his efforts to saving his country. After his nation was restored, he set out on a journey to atone for his sins, leaving word that he was searching for what he ought to do.
Cao Cao Wing Gundam Isei Style
CAST:Shunsuke Takeuchi
When he holds Iseiken, Cao Cao changes into the traditional attire of Musha World. Due to the sword's effects, a mask appears when he fights in this form. In order to put an end to Nobunaga's violence, which reminds him of his own past, Cao Cao now faces him with a newly acquired power.