
Flashing Blades
Kira strikes down Zala Team’s Blitz Gundam. Murdoch and the other engineering crew congratulate him. He clenches his fist while listening to their praise.
Meanwhile, the Zala Team is shaken with grief with the lost of their comrade Nicol. Athrun blames himself for being too hesitant all this time in killing Kira. He vows that next time he will kill Kira no matter what.
The Zala Team spots the Archangel again and attack for the final battle seeking retribution. The Archangel is seriously damaged by beam cannons, causing it to lose altitude and crashes onto the ground. In this crisis, Tolle also launches in his Skygrasper.
Dearka’s Buster Gundam crashes down and surrenders. In the meantime, Aegis Gundam engage in single combat with Strike Gundam. Burning in rage towards Kira for killing Nicol, Athrun screams. He destroys Tolle’s Skygrasper who was trying to cover Kira. Tolle dies…
Kira cries out and slices off the Aegis Gundam’s right arm. But Athrun captures Strike Gundam and then sets the Aegis to self-destruct. Strike Gundam and Aegis Gundam explode with a deafening roar, Kira remaining inside the cockpit…