Gundam from Zero ~Universal Century~
Gundam has released more than 50 films ever since the first TV anime series that was broadcasted in 1979!
For more than 40 years, Gundam has been loved by many people around the world!
Among those people, I believe there are a few that has zero exerpeince/knowledge with Gundam
but mentions "I've always wanted to watch it but I haven't watched it yet!!”or "I want to learn some of the basics of Gundam.
So this time, let's unravel the history of Gundam, focusing on the keyword "Universal Century" which
cannot be excluded when talking about the world of Gundam.

gundam portal site
GUNDAM. INFO is the official website delivering information of GUNDAM related anime, items, services and events.
The latest and previous anime series are also available for free.
Gundam Breaker Battlogue