“Gundam World 2017 in Sapporo,” an event where one can experience the world of the Gundam series, began being held from April 29th (Sat, holiday) at the large complex and commerce facility “Sapporo Factory” in Sapporo, Hokkaido. Entry is free.
This year’s event, the event’s 7th year, will feature from Mobile Suit Gundam the head of the “RX-78-2 Gundam,” blown away by Zeong’s attack during the battle on A Baoa Qu, as well as the “Full-scale White Base Captain’s Seat,” a full-scale replication of the white Captain’s seat where Bright Noa sits, making this the first time either display has been in Hokkaido.
The 1/10 scale Gundam statue from Mobile Suit Gundam UC will be making its reappearance. Additionally, the antagonist unit “Banshee Norn” will be making its first appearance in Hokkaido in 1/10 scale. The appearance of the two giant statues together, their total height exceeding 2 meters, will be incredibly powerful. A line-up of 1/10 scale statues of the suits piloted by the 4 Gundam Meisters – “Gundam Exia,” “Gundam Dynames,” “Gundam Kyrios,” and “Gundam Virtue” – from the 1st season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00, broadcast this year as the series approaches its 10th anniversary, will also be on display.
Furthermore, a “GUNDAM Café Branch” as well as the “Gundam Shop,” the place where you can purchase merchandise such as event limited Gunpla and all kinds of event limited goods that can only be purchased at the event, will be open during the event as well. Let’s enjoy the charms of Gundam that can only be experienced through the impressive displays and videos found here during Golden Week. The event will be held until May 7th (Sun.)
A weathered and damaged appearance has been realistically crafted into this version!
[Right] Full-scale White Base Captain’s Seat ※ First appearance in Hokkaido
Sit in the captain’s seat, which is approximately 3m in width, 5.5m in length, and 3.5m in height, and take a memorial photo for Golden Week!
[Right] 1/10 Banshee Norn
■ Mobile Suit Gundam 00 1/10 Statues ※ Excluding Gundam Exia, this is 3 of the suits’ first appearance in Hokkaido
[Left] HGUC 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam Clear Color Ver. Price: 1,080 yen (tax included)
[Right] HGUC 1/144 Gundam Mk-II (AEUG) Clear Color Ver. Price: 1,620 yen (tax included)
[Left] RG 1/144 Gundam Astray Red Frame Plated Ver. Price: 4,320 yen (tax included)
[Right] RG 1/144 Gundam Astray Blue Frame Plated Ver. Price: 4,320 yen (tax included)
[Left] HG 1/144 Gundam Barbatos 6TH Form Clear Color Ver. Price: 1,510 yen (tax included)
[Right] HG 1/144 Gundam Barbatos Smoothbore Cannon Equip Clear Color Ver. Price: 1,400 yen (tax included)
[Left] RG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam Clear Color Ver. Price: 3,240 yen (tax included)
[Middle] HGUC 1/144 Full Armor Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode) Red Plated Frame / Mechanical Clear Ver. Price: 4,320 yen (tax included)
[Right] HG 1/144 Mass Production Type Zaku (GUNDAM THUNDERBOLT Ver.) Limited Clear Ver. Price: 1,944 yen (tax included)
[Left] HGUC 1/144 V-Dash Gundam Clear Color Ver. Price: 1,940 yen (tax included)
[Middle] HGBF 1/144 Gundam Amazing Red Warrior Full Color Plated Ver. Price: 4,320 yen (tax included)
[Right] SDBF Star Winning Gundam PP Clear Ver. Price: 1,400 yen (tax included)
[Left] HGPG 1/144 Mass Production Type PETIT’GGUY Price: 540 yen (tax included)
[Right] HGPG 1/144 Black Tri-stars PETIT’GGUY Price: 540 yen (tax included)
※ Products for sale may change. Thank you very for your understanding.
Sale Menu
■ Jaburo Coffee (Hot/Iced) Price: 378 yen each (tax included)
■ Original Soft Drink 4 Different Kinds Price: 378 yen each (tax included)
・ Gundam Tonic (White Soda)
・ Red Comet Soda (Acerola Cherry & Soda)
・ Haro Soda (Melon Soda Flavor)
・ Fraw’s Kindness (Acerola Cherry & Calpis)
■ Harodora (Custard, Azuki Bean Cream) Price: 227 each (tax included)
■ Gunplayaki Price: 210 yen (tax included) ※ First appearance in Hokkaido
※ Menu items may change. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Gundam World 2017 in Sapporo | |
Event Dates & Time |
April 29 (Sat, holiday) – May 7 (Sun), 2017 10:00am – 8:00pm ※ The event will end at 6:00pm on May 7th |
Venue Location | Sapporo Factoryー・
in the Atrium (4-Chome Kita 2-Johigashi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo) |
Admission Fee | Free |
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