It has been decided that the distribution of deluxe postcards as first-come-first-serve attendee presents will begin at “SUNRISE 4DX COLLECTION”. The event will be continuously held at 18 UNITED CINEMAS 4DX theaters nationwide. A present campaign to win autographed sign boards by raffle will also be held.
Attendee presents are available in three different types based on the screening work. These are all items that can only be obtained at the theaters and will be distributed at a first-come-first-serve basis to attendees at each theater beginning from the first day of the screening.
Furthermore, you can also enter a present campaign by watching all three films at one theater, taking a photo of your reserved-seat tickets, and then uploading it onto the event page. Prizes will feature a wonderful lineup that includes a signboard autographed by Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer Director Seiji Mizushima, so definitely please try participating. Entries will begin being accepted from March 17th (Sat).
For details on the screening schedule and more, please check UNITED CINEMAS’ page for the event.
Campagna 1: Ottenere il partecipante limitato presenti!

Una cartolina deluxe sarà presentata presso una base primo arrivato, primo servire ai partecipanti a partire dal primo giorno di proiezione di ogni film. Assicuratevi di mettere le mani su queste cartoline preziose che possono essere ottenute esclusivamente presso i teatri di screening.
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: risveglio della Trailblazer
- Crusher Joe: Il film
- Sōkō Kihei Votoms: Pailsen Files il film
- ※ La pianificazione di distribuzione variano a seconda il teatro, quindi per favore controllare il homepage individuali del teatro per i dettagli.
- ※ Queste foto sono immagini di concetto. Il primo arrivato, primo servire partecipante presente non verrà distribuito una volta che tutti gli stock è andato. Apprezziamo la vostra comprensione e collaborazione.
- ※ Una cartolina sarà distribuito al momento della partecipazione a una visualizzazione a un individuo.
Campagna 2: Vinci Raffles per autografi da leggende nel mondo Anime!
- Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A wakening of the Trailblazer - Director Seiji Mizushima
- Crusher Joe: The Movie – Original creator Mr. Haruka Takachiho, Director Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, and Ms. Run Sasaki
- Armored Trooper Votoms: Pailsen Files The Movie – Director Ryosuke Takahashi
- 4DX Special Viewing Ticket
【How to Enter】
Enter by watching all three films, filling in the required items on the exclusive form on UNITED CINEMAS’ page for the event, and uploading a photo of your three reserved-seat tickets. The deadline for entry is April 13th (Fri).
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