25º dicembre 2011
Details on Mobile Suit Gundam Online's 'Squadron System' and 'Large-Scale Operations'!
Plus, we introduce five unit types, including Assault and Sniper!

The newest info on Namco Bandai Online's Mobile Suit Gundam Online for the PC is in!
This time, we've got details on the massively multiplayer Large-Scale Operations, and info on different unit types like Assault and Sniper!
If you din't make it into the alpha test, here's your chance to catch up!
■ Hundred-man massive Large-Scale Operations!
Mobile Suit Gundam Online already features MMO gameplay where armies of players combine or collide.
But now, we introduce huge combats of up to 52 vs. 52, with a commander on each side!
Let's take a look at Large-Scale Operations and the Squadron System.

▲ In Large-Scale Operations, fight your way to victory by capturing or destroying key locations on the battlefield. Careful tactics and outwitting the enemy, not mere reckless charges, win the day!

[Commander Mode]
Take on the role of a famous commander and give tactical support to up to 51 other players! Use commander-exclusive commands like 'Summon Ace' or 'Supply Ship'!
Take on the role of a famous commander and give tactical support to up to 51 other players! Use commander-exclusive commands like 'Summon Ace' or 'Supply Ship'!

[Squadron System]
Three players can fight as a single squadron! The squadron leader accepts or rejects orders from the commander, and receives a score bonus for successful objectives. Careful management of squadmates is essential for a high score!
Three players can fight as a single squadron! The squadron leader accepts or rejects orders from the commander, and receives a score bonus for successful objectives. Careful management of squadmates is essential for a high score!

▲ Preset voice commands ease communication with nearby squadmates. Communicate to ensure the victory of your squadron and your army!
■ Which type will you sortie in!? A look at unit types!
In Mobile Suit Gundam Online, units are divided into five types. Each type has its own strengths, weaknesses, and gear selection, so be sure to read up!

[Assault Type]
Examples: Gundam Ground Type (left), Gouf (right)
Sample weapons: Beam Saber, Shield
Highly mobile powerful melee attackers. Their mobility lets them suddenly assault buildings and bases.

[Buster Type]
Examples: Desert GM (left), MS-06J Zaku II (right)
Sample weapons: Beam Rifle, Zaku Bazooka
Using high-power, chargeable ranged weapons, they specialize in midrange combat. Well-balanced and comparatively easy to use.

[Sniper Type]
Examples: GM Sniper (left), Zaku I Sniper Type (right)
Sample weapons: Long-Range Beam Rifle, Mines
This type supports from the rear with long-range guns. A good grasp of ranges will make any fight one-sided.

[Artillery Type]
Examples: MP Guntank (left), Zaku Cannon (right)
Sample weapons: Low-recoil Cannon, Cannon
Specializes in area burst attacks. Able to inflict massive damage on ships.

[Support Type]
Examples: GM Trainer (left), Zaku Worker (right)
Sample weapons: Repair Torch, Radar Pod
The only type which can repair other mobile suits. Also carry a variety of pods to support other units.
Info from the alpha test survey will be posted, with comments from the staff, on the Mobile Suit Gundam Online website in late January!
※ Images from development version.
Mobile Suit Gundam Online
Genre: Massively multiplayer action game
Supported OS: Windows® XP, Vista, 7 (* Windows® XP: 32-bit only)
System requirements: TBA for launch version
Fee: TBA
Service begins: TBA
Developer/Publisher: Namco Bandai Online
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