14º agosto 2012
Gundam Dynames (GN Full Shield) and four more join SDGO today!
Suits from F91 and CCA! See their special attacks!

Video of units added to SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online on August 15thst—the Gundam Dynames (GN Full Shield), Vigna Ghina, Geara Doga, Jegan (R), and Jegan (shield missile)—is now available.
Let's look at these five units' special attacks!
■ Gundam Dynames (GN Full Shield)
Ranged (Paper) / AR-rank / Item Capsule Machine 2
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam 00. After swapping weapons, it deploys its shoulder-mounted shields forward. While in GN Full Shield mode, it can use its GN Sniper Rifle and greatly increases its defense against attacks from the front. However, its mobility is greatly reduced, so remember to swap back as the situation dictates.
■ Vigna Ghina
All-around (Scissors) / A-rank / Milage Box
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam F91. Focused on mid- to long-range combat, its Beam Launcher picks off far-off enemies while inflicting a Slow effect to help your team.
■ Geara Doga
Melee (Rock) / C-rank / Capsule machine
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack. While it specializes in melee, its rapid-fire Beam Machine Gun lets it hold its own at mid-range. Reload Up makes it even easier to fight at a standoff. Enemies strong against beams can be handled with its Sturmfaust rocket.
■ Jegan (R)
All-around (Scissors) / C-rank / Capsule Machine
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam F91. Its main weapon is its Beam Rifle, and it switches to Grenade Launchers up close. Mobility Up lets it dash in close to long-range attackers.
■ Jegan (shield missile)
All-around (Scissors) / CR-rank / Capsule Machine
A mobile suit from Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack. Relying on its shield misisles to poke away at range, it uses Reload Up to keep up a hail of fire. Avoid close-in fights by making use of debris scattered around the map to keep your distance.
* Details subject to change.
Produced by BANDAI KOREA Developed by SOFTMAX / Published by CJ Internet Japan.
SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online
[Supported OS] Windows XP/Vista/7
Genre: Online action
Fees: Free to play (cash shop for items)
[Supported OS] Windows XP/Vista/7
Genre: Online action
Fees: Free to play (cash shop for items)
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