Bikkura-tamago SD Gundam: Operation V
Price: 315 yen
Date: May 2005
As the Haro-shaped Bikkura-tamago melts in your bath, a SD Gundam figure emerges. There are ten varieties, and you won't know which one until you get in! This series features the Gundam with Hyper Hammer and three varieties of Dom; collect them all and recreate scenes from the show! The bubbles themselves are pea green with a green apple scent.
■ 10 varieties:
1. Gundam
2. Guncannon (108)
3. Guncannon (109)
4. Guntank
5. Gouf (Heat Sword)
6. Gouf (Heat Rod)
7. Dom (A)
8. Dom (B)
9. Dom (C)
10. Gogg
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