Mobile Suit Gundam: Yururun Swing
Price: ¥200 each
Date: Mid-August 2011
Sold from capsule machines at toy shops nationwide
Following Mono-eye Style's success, a new series of whimsical mobile suits, 'Yururun Swing', is here! Dangling or lying flat, these MS swings are always cute! This set includes three varieties each of Zaku II and Dom!
■ Six varieties:
1. Zaku II
2. Zaku II (light blue)
3. Zaku II dmaged ver. (sepia)
4. Dom
5. Dom (light green)
6. Dom damage ver. (sepia)6. Zaku II damaged ver. (sepia)
■ One per capsule! ※ Release date varies by region and retailer. |
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