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The 1981 board game Jabro receives a 30th anniversary reprint by popular demand! We bring back that old enthusiasm with a three-part report!
⇒ Get the latest Jabro info on
the Megahobby blog!
In arcades, Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. and Mobile Suit Gundam: Bonds of the Battlefield Rev. 3 are hits.
Check around the unfamiliar Data Carddas machines, and you'll hear kids excitedly talking about Gundam Try-Age.
And as the PSP title 'Mobile Suit Gundam Shin Gihren no Yabou' approaches, along with the PS Vita and the WiiU, we have accepted a new mission.

Its name is 'Jabro.'
Rather that the newest technology, this original Gundam simulation is a classic analog board game.
Released thirty years ago by Tsukuda Hobby during the first Gundam boom, it was enjoyed at home and at clubs by many Gundam fans.
And now, Jabro will be reprinted by Megahouse!
With box art just like the original, with pieces just like the original!

First, let's look at what you get in the box.

▲ The Jaburo map, for replaying the assault on the Federation HQ.

▲ The field map, for replaying the confrontation with Denim's squad or the Black Tri-Stars.

▲ The desert map, for replaying the battle with Ramba Ral.

▲ The city map, for replaying the battle with Garma's detachment.

▲ Unit sheets
The units are the unique point of the game, and vital for its play. They're tiny and there are many different types, so be sure not to lose any!
There are three unit sheets: One for Federation mobile suits, weapons, tanks, and flak; one for Zeon MSes and weapons, and one for pilots and status. Each is just waiting to be neatly punched out and placed in the unit tray.
MS units must be combined with pilot units and weapon units before entering combat. After taking damage in combat, they are first marked with a status unit, then destroyed and removed from the board.

▲ Unit tray
A tray to hold the detached units. The tray in this release is just like the original! It holds a vintage-style black die and white die.
The player's fate rests on these dice!

▲ Data sheet
Used to smoothly resolve combat. Contains hit and firepower charts, and damage, close combat, and melee tables to cover all kinds of combat.
The password is 'Miracle snake eyes! Critfail on a 6!

▲ Rulebook
A reprint of the Second Edition rules. Read this, punch out the units, and you're good to go!
A reprint of the Second Edition rules. Read this, punch out the units, and you're good to go!

An analog board simulation game may sound like it takes hours to set up, and the word 'simulation' itself may sound daunting. You may think it'll gather dust without anyone to play with, but is that really true?
Sure, Scenario 9, the Battle of Jaburo, involves 53 Federation and 33 Zeon units and can take more than six hours to set up and play.
But think of it this way.
Diving into a game like that is like diving into the ocean without knowing how to swim.
Try starting from Scenario 7, 'Black Tri-Star.'
If your friends' eyes glaze over when they hear 'simulation game,' just ask if they want to play a board game.
After all, it's all about having fun while two dice decide the winner.
You don't have anyone to play with? You don't have anywhere to play? You don't have the time?
That's right. There isn't the enthusiasm that there was 30 years ago.
But those 30 years have given us the 'net and SNSes.
Even if your old friends from back them can't find the time, why not make new friends?
There should be plenty of shops in town that offer game space.
Maybe you'll find someone if you drop in when you want to play.
And if you can't find anyone to play with, you can always play solo.
What? Solo sounds too lonely?
No way!
It's no different from playing against bots or testing a deck!
It lets you get a good grasp for the rules and different units' capabilities.
Plus, it's practice for moving stacks of pieces without knocking any over!
Let's give it a try!

Since Jabro covers up to the assault on Jaburo, it's got all the units up to the Zock.
In the game, players take on the side of the Federation or Zeon, and simply attempt to wipe out the other side or leave them unable to continue fighting.
Next time, we bring you more info on the rules and replay!
Continued in Part 2
Part 2 will be posted on or around August 26th.
Photography / Inoue Studio
Cooperation: Hobby Japan |
Board simulation game 'Mobile Suit Gundam JABRO' [Set contents] Three map boards, piece sheets (Federation, Zeon, pilot,) quick reference, rulebook, piece tray, white die, black die
Price: ¥7,630
Shipping: Arrives within 5 business days of order
On sale: 5:00 PM, August 29, 2011
Retailers: Megatrea Shop、Premium BandaiA limited edition will be released in advance at Chara-Hobby 2011 on August 27th and 28th. |
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