Orders for Premium Bandai's "Robot Spirits Bolinoak Sammahn", "Robot Spirits Leo (Space)", and "Robot Spirits Leo Option Set 2" close at 4:00 PM on November 8th.
The Bolinoak Sammahn is the fourth "Ka signature" collaboration between Tamashii Nations and designer Hajime Katoki.
Along with its unique claw shield and beam tomahawk, it comes with a replacement head to reenact its glowing head scene.
The Leo (Space) is the purple, space-use version of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing's Leo. It differs from the existing moss-green ground version in its Round Verniers.
The Option Set 2 contains a space-use beam rifle and Dover gun, plus more.
▼ Order here!

■ Robot Spirits Side MS Bolinoak Sammahn
Price: ¥6,090
Orders close: 4:00 PM 11/8
Ships: January 2013
Build: ABS/PVC
Height: 138mm
Price: ¥6,090
Orders close: 4:00 PM 11/8
Ships: January 2013
Build: ABS/PVC
Height: 138mm

■ Robot Spirits Side MS Leo (Space)
Price: ¥3,150
Orders close: 4:00 PM 11/8
Ships: January 2013
Build: ABS/PVC
Height: 125mm
Price: ¥3,150
Orders close: 4:00 PM 11/8
Ships: January 2013
Build: ABS/PVC
Height: 125mm

■ Robot Spirits Side MS Leo option set 2
Price: ¥2,100
Orders close: 4:00 PM 11/8
Ships: January 2013
Build: ABS / PVC
Price: ¥2,100
Orders close: 4:00 PM 11/8
Ships: January 2013
Build: ABS / PVC
The Bolinoak Sammahn is the fourth "Ka signature" collaboration between Tamashii Nations and designer Hajime Katoki.
Along with its unique claw shield and beam tomahawk, it comes with a replacement head to reenact its glowing head scene.
The Leo (Space) is the purple, space-use version of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing's Leo. It differs from the existing moss-green ground version in its Round Verniers.
The Option Set 2 contains a space-use beam rifle and Dover gun, plus more.
▼ Order here!

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