The Gundam TCG Gundam War Nex-A tournament "Nex-A Grand Prix 2012" will be held March 16th and 17th at the Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center's Hamamatsu Hall.
Admission is free, with some events requiring entry fees.
The Nex-A Grand Prix 2012 gathers players who scored high enough in regional play at game shops nationwide under one roof, and determines who stands at the peak as the first Gundam War Nex-A champion!
The 17th is also packed with walk-in events like a UC-only tournament, Gunslinger tournament, Team Shield tournament, plus a teaching tournament for beginners and sales of goods like tournament-exclusive card sleeves.
The final round will also be broadcast from the Gundam War Nex-A official site beginning at 10:30 PM on the 17th. If you can't make it to Tokyo, you can tune in online!
More info is available on the Gundam War Nex-A official site.
The Crusade Festa 2013, a tournament for the 2-player card game Crusade that features battles between all your favorite anime characters, is also being held at the TMITC on the 17th.
Take in two card games this weekend!
Nex-A Grand Prix 2012
[Days] March 16th and 17th, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
[Location] Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsu Hall (1-7-8 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
[Admission] Free *Some events require entry fees.
[Days] March 16th and 17th, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
[Location] Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center Hamamatsu Hall (1-7-8 Kaigan, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
[Admission] Free *Some events require entry fees.
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