The new high quality SD Gundam toy series “FW SD GUNDAM NEO” will be on sale throughout the country in various snack stores, starting from February 2017. They are easy to find and, thanks to a good price (370 yen each before tax), also easy to collect.
Both the craft and experiences collected by 11 years of FW series are condensed in the “FW SD GUNDAM NEO” items, through the SD Gundam you will find an amazing attention to details on a high definition model. Clear parts were used on both the big twin-eye and main camera features, and to complete its charm, they have back carving details and silver coating, among other niceties. Also, ABS was used on the antennae part, carefully crafting the texture.
The lineup consists of six items: Gundam Exia, Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode), Gundam, Marasai, Marasai (Earth Federation Forces type) and Gundam TR-6.

On Premium Bandai, from October 28th (Friday) you can pre-order one set with all the ten different types included!

Price: 3,996 yen(with tax)
Preorders: October 28th 2016(Friday)Starting at 1pm
Shipping Products: February 2017
※A set contains the entire collection but there may be duplicates within each individual piece.
▼Premium Bandai Reservations Here!

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