A brand new silhouette from the series “GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE” was revealed on the Bandai Colectors official website “Tamashii web”.
It will be displayed in Herbis Hall (Ōsaka) on May 27th (Saturday) and 28th ( Sunday) for the “TAMASHII NATIONS 10th Anniversary WORLD TOUR “OSAKA””. If anyone is interested to know the real body behind the silhouette, take a chance to go visit the event!
Also, at the event a live talk called “ ‘SD GUNDAM’ Grand Special – Meeting with the New Gundam Workshop’s Techniques-” will take place on the 28th, starting from 3PM, with guests such as the master painter Yokoi Kōji and others. It will be broadcasted live, so that anyone who doesn’t have the chance to go can still check it out.
“SD Gundam” Grand Special – Meeting with the New Gundam Workshop’s Techniques-”
If one must talk about SD Gundam, Yokoi is a vital part. The dear Gundam Workshop’s instructor – Daltanian Okazaki, in association with Bandai - Terano, will make a big announcement regarding “Original SD Gundam World” and “SDX”’s latest information and inside story!
28/05/2017 (Sunday) from 3PM
Yokoi Kōji, Daltanian Okazaki, Bandai – Terano
【Live broadcast URL】
LINE LIVE: https://live.line.me/channels/91/upcoming/3181327
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oQ6ih9lWaQ
Nico Nico Live Broadcast: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv298822355
For more information, check the event’s “TAMASHII NATIONS 10th Anniversary WORLD TOUR“OSAKA”」Special website.
[Schedule] 27/05/2017 (Sunday) 9:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.
28/05/2017 (Saturday) 9:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
[Place] Osaka Herbis Hall (Osaka-shi, Kita-ku, Umeda 2-5-25 Erbis OSAKA B2F)
[Entrance] Free
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