5º novembre 2017
Inaugurated the “BB Warrios Romance of the Three Kingdoms” website for its 10th anniversary! “BB Warriors “BB DiaoChan Qubeley” and eight new models will be on sale from February 2018!
The packaging contains a new cover illustration, released on the 10th anniversary website!

The Bandai Hobby website was expanded with a page dedicated to the “BB Warriors Romance of the Three Kingdoms” 10th anniversary, featuring “BB Warriors DiaoChan Qubeley” and eight new models, available from February 2018.
The phantom kit “BB Warriors DiaoChan Qubeley & General’s Palanquin”, only obtainable with the Blu-ray BOX, finally got a new remodelling, and even others, like the “BB Warriors DongZhuo Zaku & BuDuiBing (DonZhuo Forces)”, were remade for the tenth anniversary with metallic gloss injections!
Also, since the packaging has brand new illustrations, you can already check the one for “DiaoChan Qubeley” on the website illustrations gallery!

■BB Warriors 412 DiaoChan Qubeley & General’s Palanquin”
Price: 1,080 yen(taxes included)
Release: February 2018

■BB Warriors 405 HuZhen Gyan & BuDuiBing (DongZhuo Forces)
Price: 1,080 yen(taxes included)
Release: February 2018

■BB Warriors 406 GongSun Zan Ez-8 & Four Symbols Ogre Armor Chariot
Price: 1,728 yen(taxes included)
Release: February 2018

■BBWarriors 407 DongZhuo Zaku & BuDuiBing (DongZhuo Forces)
Price: 1,512 yen(taxes included)
Release: February 2018

■BB Warriors 408 YuanShu Zssa &TianKaiZhuang
Price: 1,080 yen(taxes included)
Release: February 2018

■BB Warriors 410 DianWei Asshimar , JiaXu Ashtaron, Siege Weapon & Six Combining Weapons Set A
Price: 3,132 yen(taxes included)
Release: February 2018

■BB Warriors 411 HuangGai Gouf & Six Combining Weapons Set B
Price: 1,080 yen(taxes included)
Release: February 2018
If you want more information, please visit the official 10th anniversary page for “BB Warriors Romance of the Three Kingdoms”.
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