21º giugno 2015
The fourth and fifth entries in GBF Try's "Hobby Hobby Imaging Builders" feature are available now!
Kirara's pick in the "HH OreGun God Contest", and a build by Mirai!

Fourth and fifth entries of the Gundam Build Fighters Try website's "Hobby Hobby Imaging Builders" feature have been posted!
The monthly feature showcases in-show builders' works in the format of a fictional hobby magazine.
The fourth entry is the Nyaia Astray, Gunpla idol Kirara's personal choice in the "HH OreGun God Contest". Fith is the Beargguy II by Mirai Kamiki, designer of the 13th Gunpla Battle Japanese Championship mascot.
Don't miss the comments from each character!
▼ Hobby Hobby Imaging Builders
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