25º agosto 2016
GUNDAM CROSS WAR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2016 Opening in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore!
The First Ever Gundam Card Game World Tournament!
Opening in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore!
~Become the World Champion out of 8 Countries and Regions!~
Opening in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore!
~Become the World Champion out of 8 Countries and Regions!~
The world tournament for GUNDAM CROSS WAR, a card game playable with real cards and on your smartphone, will be held in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore this coming December! This will be the first ever world tournament not only for GUNDAM CROSS WAR, but also Gundam card games in general. The champions of championships held around the world from late July will be invited to the world tournament as national representatives.
Product info page: http://www.carddass.com/gundam-cw/en/products/

■World Tournament details
Representatives from 8 different countries and regions (Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Australia) will compete for the title of the first World Champion in the world tournament. This world tournament with 8 different participating countries and regions is a first in Bandai’s trading card game history.

Tournaments for determining the representatives of each nation and region will be held from late July. The Hong Kong representative has already been determined in the HONG KONG CHAMPIONSHIP held on July 30th. Please check our official home page for tournament scenes, tournament dates in each country, and tournament details.
English: http://www.carddass.com/gundam-cw/en/ Traditional Chinese: http://www.carddass.com/gundam-cw/tw/
Additionally, the new booster pack, United Front (6 cards per pack, MSRP in Japan: 300 yen plus tax) will be released on August 26th (Fri.). This booster will feature many combo cards that has powerful synergies and capable of dealing big damage. We will also be conducting various promotions alongside the release of United Front.

■Limited promotion for official products in Asia
A limited promotion for official Asian products is being carried out for GUNDAM CROSS WAR. Official products have an exclusive sticker on the display box. Check for the sticker when you purchase products.
Please be aware that domestically purchased items will have different serial codes and will not be able to be scanned in the foreign versions of the app.

Promotion tickets with serial code (one per box) included!
Official products in Asia will include one index card with a serial code, per box. Customers can trade 3 of these tickets for a limited Collection Rare card of their choice via the card delivery service, Carddass Direct. The following 5 cards from United Front will be added to the selection upon its release. *Quantities are limited. First-come-first-serve basis.

New product info
Product name: GUNDAM CROSS WAR Extra Booster Pack “United Front”
Release date: 26th August 2016 (Fri.)
MSRP: 300 yen plus tax *6 cards per pack / 20 packs per box
Cards: Total 60 cards + 5 Parallel cards + 2 Special Rare cards
[Recommended Environment for gameplay on smartphone and tablets]
▼Android:Android 4.4~6.0 recommended
▼iOS:OS7~9 recommended
Please check our official web site for detailed information on products and promotions.
GUNDAM CROSS WAR official web site: http://www.carddass.com/gundam-cw/en/
Card delivery service Carddass Direct: http://en.carddassdirect.com/gcw.php
Check Facebook for info on GUNDAM: CROSS WAR national tournaments and events!
■Hong Kong Facebook
■Taiwan Facebook
■South East Asia Facebook
【About Gundam Cross War】
①By enjoying the TCG as an app, it’s even more fun!
With the official app, you can easily battle an opponent at any time of the day.
It’s a new Gundam TCG that solves the problem of card game fans who don’t have an opponent
to play against, or the time to go to a card shop.

②Immersive battlefield illustrations unlike any Gundam card game before!
In order to emphasize the originality of the cards, Gundam Cross War features illustrations overflowing with
battlefield excitement. Rubble and wreckage, sparks, oil and wear are all depicted with great detail, so by totally embodying the battling Mobile Suit as a card, it presents a designs distinguishing itself from past

Cross Rares, Special Rares, and Double Rares
all feature exciting battle illustrations!
③Simple game rules with deep strategy
The player takes the role of commander, using Mobile Suits, characters, and a variety of methods to destroy their opponent’s mother ship. So that all Gundam Fans can enjoy it, the game is designed with simple rules, but the wide range of possible strategies and depth of the psychological matches have won acclaim from core game users.
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