25º maggio 2011
Two Kadokawa Gundam Comics release today!
The chronicle of Neo Zeon's grim retreat from the Earth Sphere, Zeon no Saikou, returns after 23 years! And a bittersweet tale of a faimly of Gundam fans' struggles, Dining Table of G, goes on sale!
Mobile Suit Gundam:
Shin Zeon no Saikou
Date: May 26, 2011
Price: 588 yen
Format: B6
Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten
ISBN 978-4-04-715708-8-C0979
Author: Kazuhisa Kondo
Original by: Hajime Yadate, Yoshiyuki Tomino
The master Kazuhisa Kondo challenges his own legend after 23 years!
The chronicle of Neo Zeon's grim retreat from the Earth Sphere,
Zeon no Saikou, returns.
To be touched by the chill master's pen is the glory of the vanquished!
Mobile Suit Gundam:
Dining Table of G
Date: May 26, 2011
Price: 630 yen
Format: B6
Publisher: Kadokawa Shoten
ISBN 978-4-04-715397-4-C0979
Author: Asahi Tsutsui
Planning: Sunrise
A bittersweet tale of a family of Gundam fans' struggles!
The popular female artist Tsutsui chronicles her own Gundam-themed daily life through a series of essay-style comics.
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