3º dicembre 2012
Extreme Vs. and Battle Operation win at the 2012 PlayStation Awards!
Battle Operation picks up both User's Choice and PlayStation Store awards!
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan held the "PlayStation Awards" event on December 3rd to recognize hit Japanese PlayStation releases.
The PlayStation Awards, awarded since the birth of PlayStation in 1994, celebrate game developers' creative efforts by awarding prizes to games which meet particular requirements.
This time, Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. won a Gold Prize for sales of over 500,000, while Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation won both the User's Choice Prize for being one of the top 10 titles by player votes released between 11/1/2011 and 10/31/2012 and the PlayStation Store Special Prize for being one of the top five most-downloaded downloadable titles.
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. is getting both an economical Best version and fresh DLC on December 13th!
And of course, Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation is available on the PlayStation Store now.
If you've never tried them out, now's the perfect time!
To see other winners, vitit the PlayStation Award 2012 official site.
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