“Mobile Suit Gundam MACHINE HEAD2”, the 2nd installment of the precisely 26mm mobile suit head figure collection series, is now on sale nationwide at toy stores, electronics retail stores, and online. It is individually priced at 450yen excluding tax.
Mobile Suit Gundam MACHINE HEAD comes in two color variations - the normal color version and the framework version (clear mold) – and is a series where the same mobile suit can be displayed in different ways. Each mobile suit is able to replicate its extended armor state by changing the placement of its exterior parts. By changing its parts, it’s also possible to replicate S GUNDAM ejecting INCOM. With option parts, GM SNIPER can be rearranged into GM SNIPER CUSTOM. ZZ GUNDAM, BARZAM, and SINANJU are also included in the lineup.
[Product Set Details]
○ 1 set of fully colored head models (set of 10)
・ZZ GUNDAM (Framework ver.)
・BARZAM (Framework ver.)
・GM SNIPER (Framework ver.)
・S GUNDAM (Framework ver.)
・SINANJU (Framework ver.)
・1 piece of gum (soda flavor)
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