“FW GUNDAM CONVERGE SP08 DESTINY GUNDAM & INFINITE JUSTICE GUNDAM,” the latest installment in the popular shokugan series by the Bandai Candy Operation Department, was released nationwide today, November 29th (Tues), at toy stores, electronics retail stores, and online websites. It is sold at 2,500 yen (tax excluded.)
“DESTINY GUNDAM” and “INFINITE JUSTICE GUNDAM” from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY have been released with this installment. DESTINY GUNDAM includes not only its basic equipment, but also armaments such as the “Arondight.” It is possible to unfold the wings on its back. It is also possible for INFINITE JUSTICE GUNDAM to dismantle, transform, and unfold its lifters. The specifications of each model bring out each suit’s respective charms to its maximum.
[Product Set Details]
○ A fully colored 2 figure set
○ 1 piece of gum (soda flavor)
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