Since the anime series “Mobile Suit Gundam 00” aired on TV in 2007, celebrates its tenth anniversary, multiple new items for “Gundam 00” will be sold under the Bandai Collectors’ brand, “Tamashii Nations”.
The PICKUP photogravure for the new items are now released on Tamashii Web.
The four items released this time are “Metal Build 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G”, “ROBOT Damashii
METAL BUILD 00 Gundam Seven Sword/G
■ROBOT Damashii
Full Armour O Gundam
■ROBOT Damashii
■NX Edge Style [MS UNIT] Gundam Exia
For more pictures in different angles, check the Tamashii web website!
▼Tamashii web “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Tenth anniversary New Item PICKUP Photogravure”
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