6º maggio 2014
Anime! Anime!'s "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: EW" feature includes an interview with Hikaru Midorikawa and Toshihiko Seki!
Plus, a special survey for Anime! Anime! readers!

The anime and manga news site Anime! Anime! has posted the first part of its interview with Hikaru Midorikawa (voice of Heero Yuy) and Toshihiko Seki (Duo Maxwell) to its New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz release page.
Hear their thoughts on Endless Waltz and the characters they play, memories from recording episode 1 of the TV series, and more!
Part 2 will be posted on May 8th.
There's also a survey on readers' favorite Endless Waltz scene, so let your voice be heard! Vote by 11:45 PM on May 12th!
▼ Anime! Anime! Gundam Wing Endless Waltz page
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